Starting Tuesday, January 21st 2025!!

$30 off - Early Bird Discount until November 29th, 2024, with code: MAGIC30


Magic 100: Unleash Your Power in 100 Days

Ready to transform your powerful day at a time?

$30 off - Early Bird Discount until November 29th, 2024, with code: MAGIC30

Hi there, I'm Stacey Robbins,

the Hashimoto's Whisperer, Award-winning Author, Trusted Advisor, (who also leads FABULOUS gluten-free retreats in Italy and beyond!)

But most importantly, I'm here to help you unlock the magic within.

Remember that feeling of starting a new year, brimming with resolutions? We all know how that goes. Fervor fades, life throws curveballs, and by February, those goals are a distant memory.

What if there was a better way?


Enter the Magic 100 (formerly known as 100 Day Gong), inspired by the ancient Chinese practice of daily commitment. It's simple: choose a practice (painting, meditation, language learning - you name it!) and dedicate 100 days to it.

Why 100 days? Because magic happens in consistency. Here's what you can achieve:

  • Uncover Your Peace: Find that unshakeable inner calm, free from external chaos.
  • Awaken Your Power: Tap into your strength, confidence, and self-belief.
  • Ignite Your Passion: Rekindle the spark that makes you, YOU.
  • Discover Your Purpose: Unleash your unique impact on the world.


But Magic 100 is more than just a solo journey. Join our vibrant private Facebook group and connect with a supportive community. We'll be there to cheer you on, share insights, and keep you accountable (lovingly, of course!).


Ready to ditch the "next Monday" mentality and start living your best life? Our next Magic 100 adventure kicks off Tuesday, September 4th, 2024 (because life doesn't wait for Mondays!).

"If you want to change the world, start with yourself." - Ghandi

Say no more... I'M IN!

"My Gong was to spend quiet time with God each dayI have found myself willingly getting up 15-20 minutes earlier, at times this meant 4:40 am in order to do my Gong first thing. And I've kept up with my first Gong of working out 5 days a week as well. I feel physically stronger and healthier and also so much more centered and calm, regardless of how crazy it might be around me. "Gonging" has had a powerful impact on my life. "

All Praises!
- RS, California

"100 days of daily journaling and mindfulness meditating complete. There have been some major internal shifts from this Gong, leading to several life changing events. Definitely for the better. I'm up to my eyeballs in transition and find my Gong goals the most stabilizing foundation I know I can count on. Stepping into my power and overcoming my fears has become my M.O. "

Life Changing!
- MP, Kenya

" I focused my gong on being mindful every day, with either a walk in nature, meditation or yoga. I had never tried meditation, so it was the least interesting to me. Through thick and thin, I found at least 10-20 minutes to get quiet with myself and meditate. Even when the house seemed like it was crashing down around me and 'mama' was the only one who could rescue everyone, I sat and meditated. I learned that I could go back to life as I know it AFTER I took care of my gong. Then I learned that my gong BECAME life as I know it. Not a day went by that I didn't take care of myself in this way. I looked forward to it because it brought me a new dimension in learning about myself, about the decisions I make and why, and learning about my relationships with others. I learned how to open my heart to ask myself 'who is the person I want to be?' and then sit quietly for the answer. I learned how to tap into my spirituality and ask for support from higher powers. And I was able to be quiet enough to receive that support, which is truly a blessing. Thank you, Stacey, for inspiring me to challenge myself in this way! "

Mindful and Intentional!
- JB, Massachusetts

"100 days complete with my art and I have designed and produced over 35 adult coloring cards for my business in the past 100 days!"

Passion Driven!
- LR, Florida

"I completed my second gong by having a small, doable list of items that could be done inside an hour: journaling, meditation, reviewing my calendar and to do list. I originally had failed my first gong, because I tried to cram everything I want to do, but wasn't doing in my life into it. Stacey patiently reminded me to not do too much. For me, the benefit (and challenge) was to keep consistent. By doing my gong consistently, I got access to the prize; results, self respect and the revelation that I have issues that come to the surface when I'm consistent doing something. I got to see the pattern play out day after day, which helped me see how I was working against myself. This is a way to access the power that you already have. I highly recommend it. "

Guided and Peaceful!
- RR, California

"This 100-Day Gong was a very memorable time for me, I had a great time with you, your posts, meditations and mantras and a great time with posts and experiences of everyone who participated in the 100 Day Gong. Other people sharing their journey was an amazing part of the whole experience! I chose to journal at least once a day for 100 days and do some deep breathing for 1 minute. The breathing was important but the journaling… I had no idea how important that was going to be for me. I wanted to journal for several years but didn’t do or it got lazy but with the gong, I forced myself into a situation where I just wanted to do it every single day and it was awesome! I enjoyed writing my thoughts or events throughout the day. Sometimes I wrote once and other times several times a day. The thing about journaling for me, I’ve realized how important my thoughts and experiences are. They are not just random happenings that take place throughout my life. That has helped me to take my self, my thoughts, and experiences more seriously. I’m a fun-loving guy, so it’s not that I’m not being too serious but I’m taking my thoughts and treating them with value -- my dreams and visions -- by putting them down daily. I’m still continuing to journal and it’s become an important aspect of my life. I’m looking forward to the next gong where I’m going to challenge myself a little more. Thank you for work your dedication and everything you do I just want to give you a heartfelt thank you, you’re the best. Thank you! "

- RU, Germany

Here's what you get:


  • Preparation Emails: Dive into the history of Magic 100 (formerly 100 Day Gong), choose your perfect practice, and learn how to navigate any bumps along the way.
  • Supportive Community: Find encouragement and camaraderie in our private Facebook group.
  • Daily Mantras & Meditations: Receive uplifting prompts and practices from yours truly, designed to conquer daily challenges.
  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls: Get personalized support and answers to your burning questions.


This isn't just about checking boxes. It's about daily action, consistent effort, and creating lasting transformation.

Like me, you might be a "recovering resolutions" addict. But what if you could finally say "YES" to your dreams and create a life filled with passion, purpose, and peace?

The Magic 100 is your invitation.

Your heart is calling. It’s time to answer it.

Ready to join the adventure? Click the button below to secure your spot!

(P.S. Scroll down to hear my own Magic 100 story and how it transformed everything)

Let's do this!

"Take control of the controllables"  Derek Henry


It all started back in 2014. My health was a rollercoaster, and doctors weren't offering much hope. My friends were living it up, and here I was, facing a different kind of adventure.

I knew I needed to go deep. I took time to fast, reflect, and explore paths to inner healing. It was a wake-up call, urging me to seek something more fulfilling than fleeting distractions.

Classic Stacey: Big excitement, a strong start, followed by that familiar urge to quit by Day 6. But I had committed to leading this "parade" for 25 amazing people.

Day by day, week by week, the journey unfolded. Each day brought new insights, challenges, and revelations. I tracked my progress, fascinated by the shifts happening within me. The initial gung-ho faded, replaced by a deeper sense of commitment. By Day 66, I was yearning for the finish line, and by Day 70, a pang of sadness set in knowing it was almost over.

That's the magic of the Gong. It reveals your strengths and weaknesses, pushing you to confront the places that need the most attention.

Here's what I learned about myself:

  • I tend to overcommit (yup, learned that the hard way!).
  • I'm a fantastic starter and finisher, but the middle? That's where I struggle. When things get tricky, I hide and procrastinate. But guess what? That's life! And guess what every dream has? A middle.

The Gong became a mirror, reflecting the areas of my life that craved consistency. It was a revealer and a healer.

The daily commitment chipped away at the nagging critic in my head. By the end, that voice had quieted to a whisper. It was a powerful awakening.

The Community

But it wasn't just me. The stories started pouring in:

  • Mike went gluten-free and shed over 30 pounds.
  • Sarah, a healthcare professional, discovered a love for painting and launched a side hustle.
  • Amanda created beautiful zen doodles to enhance her meditation practice.
  • Robert found his chill and boosted his health with daily walks in nature.

The list goes on and on. People chose 100 days of dedication to yoga, meditation, writing, painting, dancing, learning languages, and so much more.

I was hooked! I did it again, and this time, nearly 125 people joined the journey! 

$30 off - Early Bird Discount until November 29th, 2024, with code: MAGIC30

A Different Life and a Life that Makes a Difference

Fast forward 10 years and 18 Gongs later (yes, I've stumbled a few times, but that's part of the learning too!), my life is unrecognizable.

  • The weight is gone (over 100 pounds lighter!).
  • Books have been written, retreats have been created, and Italy has become a second home.
  • I'm a certified yoga teacher and health coach.
  • I have thriving businesses, books, and courses impacting people worldwide.

More importantly, I have self-confidence, self-respect, self-trust, and an unshakeable inner peace. I finally feel like ME.

This is the life I want for you too.

$30 off - Early Bird Discount until November 29th, 2024, with code: MAGIC30

$30 off - Early Bird Discount until November 29th, 2024, with code: MAGIC30


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